Swing and miss by Chandler. Chandler’s measuring his distance. Pitbull is coming forward himself. He grazes Chandler with a shot. Uppercut misses. Swing and miss again by Pitbull. Chandler has been evasive thus far. Swing and miss by Chandler. Body shot blocked by Chandler. Accidental kick to Pitbull’s groin. OUCH. Timeout.
Pitbull is OK! Both men coming forward. Chandler tags him with a couple of shots. Chandler tries to lock him up and take him down but no go. Takedown stuffed again. Chandler is coming forward. Leg kick to Pitbull. Round is over.
10-9 Chandler. That jab is working.
Chandler hits him with another shot. And another! Flying knee by Pitbull followed up with some shots! Chandler comes storming in. He pushes him off. Flying knee by Pitbull. Unintentional groin shot by Chandler. Ay Caramba! Pitbull’s face is priceless. And we’re back in action. Head kick misses from Pitbull. Both trade a couple of shots.
Swing and miss by Pitbull. Jab by Chandler. Swing and miss by Chandler. He almost gets the takedown but Pitbull rolls back up Fair or not, he may be losing this fight and needs to turn it up. Jab by Chandler. Pitbull’s face is bloddy from nose down. More jabs. Jab City. Pitbull tags him. Now his face is bloody. He catches Pitbull’s kick and gets the takedown. He presses Pitbull up against the cage. He’s not throwing any shots but wearing him down very much.
He pulls Pitbull away from the cage and tries to pass his guard for some ground and pound. One final shot by Chandler ends this round.
10-9 Chandler
Another groin shot by Chandler! Are you serious, bro? Referee Keith Peterson takes a point away from Chandler and recommends lots of ice for Pitbull. And massage therapy. He returns after a short recovery time. Poor Pitbull. Chandler tags him with a shot but Pitbull keeps coming forward with shots of his own. Takedown attempt by Chandler. Much easier when your opponent gets hit in the balls thrice.
He slams Pitbull to the ground. Trying to unleash some ground and pound. He is having his way with poor Pitbull. Chandler with some beatly short distance elbows. Pitbull gets back to his feet but Chandler won’t let go and takes him back down. Slam by Chandler. Poor Pitbull. Chandler keeping grounding and pounding. This fight is over. Poor Pitbull.
Michael Chandler by unanimous decision. He gets 100 grand and will face Eddie Alvarez for the Bellator lightweight title in Season 5. Poor Pitbull. Official decision: 29-27 across the board.

Is a seasoned martial arts practitioner and sports writer with over a decade of experience in various combat sports. A black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and a competitive Muay Thai fighter, Ryan shares his expertise through insightful articles on training techniques, fight strategies. He is passionate about promoting the benefits of martial arts for physical fitness, self-discipline, and personal growth.